
In university teaching, angiological clinical pictures are taught as part of the human medicine curriculum in compulsory module XII. In in-depth teaching units such as the compulsory track Symptoms and Differential Diagnoses III, these angiological diseases are compared with other diseases that are of differential diagnostic significance. This teaching takes place in small groups in a flipped classroom.


Research-led teaching

Alongside theoretical knowledge, practical skills such as ankle-brachial index (ABI) measurement or the fundamentals of duplex sonography are taught. Additional courses are held in cooperation with other internal medicine disciplines (SSM 58 – Praktische Fallpräsentationen aus der Inneren Medizin, Vom Symptom zur Diagnose– Vorbereitung auf den Paul Ehrlich Contest (Practical Case Presentations from Internal Medicine, From Symptom to Diagnosis – Preparation for the Paul Ehrlich Contest), OSCE I und II (OSCE I and II), Betreuung von KPJ Studierenden und Famulant*innen (Supervision of CPJ Students and Interns); Electives: Auscultation and Percussion).

CPY students in the 2nd tertial and clinical trainees receive patient-centered, practical training both on the angiology ward and in the outpatient clinic and are given an overview of interventional angiological therapies in the catheter laboratory.

In addition, a large number of diploma theses and dissertations are supervised as part of the Medical Research extension program.

The instructors also complete training in university didactics  and ongoing professional development by attending appropriate courses (including eDidactics).


Postgraduate training

The wide range of professional development opportunities at the Medical University of Graz is directed at a variety of occupational groups in the fields of medicine, science and research, nursing and health services. Most of the professional development courses can be completed while the participant is regularly employed and provide him/her with a valuable additional qualification.